Bratislava – Štúrovo, Slovakia.

We ended up being in Slovakia for a total of around 30 hours. We hadn’t zoomed in enough in the map of the Danube trail to realise that we would be on the north side of the river for this stretch, and therefore in an entirely different country to the southern bank. We stayed for a night in a cheap hostel in Bratislava, which was, I can safely say, the most disgusting place I have had the pleasure of staying in. I suppose you get what you pay for, and I’d say £5 for a private room appropriately reflected the quality and cleanliness of this hostel. We decided to go out and get a good meal after arriving, maybe then we would feel like normal human beings again. Here are some photos of the incredible pork belly, sauerkraut and dumpling plate I ate!

The next day, still powered in part by the kindness of Ciara, we were blown south to the town of Eszergom. Here we crossed into Hungary and rode down the worst road of the trip so far to the countries capital, Budapest.



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